Google Ad Models

You Can Rank at the Top of the Page in Search Engines!

Search Ads

You can meet potential customers with keywords suitable for your business and company.

Google Display Ads

You can show yourself to users who are searching for your products or services.

Youtube Ads

Reach your customers with Youtube ads to increase and improve your brand awareness!

Shopping Ads

Reach customers who are more likely to buy the products you sell by increasing the number of visitors to your website.

Google Ads

Grow your business with Google ads!

With the right strategy and campaign management; We enable your potential customers to reach you through search, display and youtube ads.

Our Google Advertising Service

  • Examining the website and editing the search engine account structure
  • Creating and placing conversion and remarketing codes related to the account and performing their controls
  • Determining and creating possible search engine campaigns (Brand, competitor, general, category, etc.) by examining the website and competitors.
  • Creation of ad groups under campaigns
  • Determination of suitable words for ad groups
  • Researching the search volume and cost-per-click of suitable words
  • Making the appropriate match types of the determined words
  • Adding negative words by doing negative word research on campaign, ad group and word basis
  • Making multiple custom ad texts suitable for the ad groups under the campaigns

Manage Your Ads With Partner

As Google Premier Partner, we have trusted experts certified by Google to manage our clients’ Ads accounts.

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